Files from previous installs
Programs to install
- gvim
- zathura
- djvu
- mupdf
- pywal
- wpaperd
- github-cli
- fprintd
- pam-fprintd-grosshack
- zotero-bin
- zoom
- rustup
- juliaup
- texlive
- lean-elan
- ghcup
- vv
- mathematica
- maTHEMEatica
- greetd-tuigreet
Swap and hibernate
In EndeavourOS (or other distros that use dracut)
- Swapfile
# btrfs filesystem mkswapfile --size __G /swapfile # swapon /swapfile
to make and enable a swapfile. Swapfiles are easier than swap partitions. Make sure swap is at least 60% of your ram. Or, as I usually do out of paranoia, 120%.
Add the swapfile to fstab
/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0
Then, you need to find this swapfile and tell your computer about it. This can be done by running lsblk
and taking the MAJ:MIN
of the partition you made the swapfile in. Tell this to linux by running
# echo MAJ:MIN > /sys/power/resume
Finally, btrfs puts the swapfile at a weird offset. you can find it by running
# btrfs inspect-internal map-swapfile -r /swapfile
and passing the result
# echo ___ > /sys/power/resume_offset
- Boot Hooks
#/etc/dracut.conf.d/resume.conf add_dracutmodules+=" resume "
then run
# dracut-rebuild
, or#/etc/mkinitcpio.conf HOOKS="base udev resume [...]"
is right afterudev
, then run# mkinitcpio -P
, or else your laptop will ignore the hibernated state and do a fresh boot leaving you with broken vim swap files. - Sleep Config
#/etc/systemd/sleep.conf [Sleep] AllowSuspend=yes AllowSuspendThenHibernate=yes AllowHibridSleep=yes HibernateMode=shutdown HibernaetDelaySec=10min SuspendEstimationSec=60min
- Logind Config
#/etc/systemd/logind.conf HandlePowerKey=suspend-then-hibernate HandlePowerKeyLongPress=poweroff HandleLidSwitch=suspend-then-hibernate HandleLidSwitchExternalPower=ignore HoldoffTimeoutSec=3s
- Lock on sleep
#/etc/systemd/system/user-suspend@.service [Unit] Description=Lock screen on sleep [Service] User=%I Type=forking Environment=DISPLAY=:0 ExecStart/home/user/.config/i3/scripts/blur-lock ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/sleep 0.1 [Install]
then run
systemctl enable user-suspend@user.service
and replace @user with your username